Fabrizio Seller

Fabrizio Seller

Videomaker professionista 1

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Chi sono

Hello! My name is Scott Kane, and I live in Indiana, USA. I have been an automotive mechanic the last 5 years, and I am excited to share everything that I know about automotive repair! I will be teaching one-time, on-going, flex, and semester long classes about how cars work, how to perform regular maintenance, how to diagnose and fix your vehicles, and many other topics related to the automotive industry! For automotive enthusiasts that want to perform car maintenance and repair, it is important to understand how the different systems of the vehicle work. By teaching them carefully and thoroughly, they will develop the knowledge and skill to apply to a variety of cars and repair situations. For most of my classes, I will be teaching both from my classroom and my garage to compliment their learning experience with visual demonstrations. Whether your child desires to pursue a career in mechanics or merely learn about cars and repair in general, these classes will help your child grow in confidence, knowledge, and the ability to work on his/her own car and other daily tasks. I have many other random yet meaningful life experiences in addition to being an automotive mechanic! I graduated from Bethel University in 2014 with a bachelor's degree in Liberal Arts (concentrations: Music; Biblical Studies; Business). I have been involved in management for 4 years between the Receiving Department at Menards and the campus sandwich shop at Bethel University. In 2012 I was involved in leading youth through YouthWorks - where I helped facilitate mission trips for junior/senior high youth groups at an Indian reservation. In 2010 I began studying music, and I have played guitar with different bands, organizations, and venues. I have experience in starting an LLC business, and I know a lot about the trucking and transportation industry. I enjoy playing almost any sport; lately I have been really into rock climbing!

Cosa insegno

Nullam sodales pretium sapien ut semper. Cras quis orci nec ante auctor lobortis sed id enim. Ut tempus euismod placerat. Suspendisse commodo et tortor non ornare. Nullam faucibus sem libero, eget elementum lacus tempus vel. Aliquam et eleifend tortor, ac volutpat ex. Vivamus auctor vehicula porta. Aenean volutpat at justo sed pharetra. Mauris varius ac risus a ultricies. Vestibulum efficitur purus elit, eget porttitor odio fringilla lacinia. Fusce sollicitudin tellus dictum enim auctor ornare at non nibh.

Come lo insegno

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus blandit aliquam neque sed lobortis. Donec sem tortor, mollis id felis a, imperdiet tempor risus. Quisque placerat et elit at imperdiet. Proin laoreet pellentesque dolor, scelerisque feugiat ipsum hendrerit et. Cras sagittis ante vehicula, egestas orci vel, ultrices nibh. Maecenas mollis ligula vel velit porta, et congue nisl laoreet. Vivamus ac nibh non sapien mattis fringilla. Nullam ullamcorper enim sit amet turpis pharetra, vel pharetra nibh ultrices. Curabitur ligula lorem, sagittis vitae rutrum vitae, sollicitudin vitae dolor. Maecenas tristique placerat efficitur. Nunc eu lorem nec risus aliquet maximus tincidunt sed lectus.

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