
Età studenti


Durata lezione

6 Lezioni

Lezione multipla

Min 2


Max 5


* il corso di gruppo si attiverà solo al raggiungimento del numero minimo di partecipanti

In caso di mancato raggiungimento del numero minimo Impariamolo provvederà al rimborso dell'intero importo versato.

Cosa farete

Class Experience
Students do not need previous coding experience for this. They will learn to create mobile apps by delving deeper into designing and coding.

On the technical part, the application that we use to teach App Creation requires signing up using an email account; please decide on the best option for your family.

In this online live course, each student will:
- Learn to design, build, code, test, and debug simple mobile apps.
- Collaborate with small groups (5 students maximum per class) with one adult certified live instructor.

Il tuo formatore
Rebecca Foster

Coder professionista

78% feedback positivi - 3 recensioni

Mrs. Rebecca loves the quote, “Teaching isn’t my job. It’s my passion.” She has had this passion from the beginning. Her teddy bears learned a lot, with her bedroom-sized chalkboard and old textbooks from her mom’s elementary classroom. It was no surprise to anyone when she sought and gained her...

Scopri di più su Rebecca Foster

Contenuti del corso

Lesson 1 :
Introduction to the Platform, operating systems and discussing what an app is.
My Device can talk
Using “text to speech” option and exploring variations like :announcing time, telling jokes etc.

Lesson 2: Creating a mobile Xylophone : where colorful buttons are arranged and sound is integrated and kids can play it on the mobile.

Lesson 3 : BMI calculator : Body Mass Index calculator , using variables of a person's height weight and other details , the app calculates the BMI.

Lesson 4 : Multipage quiz app : True and False questions which appear one after another in a random fashion.

Lesson 5: Covid Tracker : Tracking covid updates and count for countries

Lesson 6 : To do list and planner : App with planner and calendar using date and time.


No previous coding experience is needed.

Scegli tra le date e gli orari disponibili


Recensioni di genitori e studenti
  1. 80%
    Detail programmatically
  2. 80%
    Un corso strutturato bene per imparare le basi
  3. 100%
    Un corso perfetto per imparare le basi
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Puoi lasciare la tua recensione solamente se hai completato il corso.
Altri corsi di Rebecca Foster

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